These are a few images from the bookbinding class I taught last weekend. I didn´t have time to take many photographs myself, so most of these were captured by Anne Majakari who was both a participant in and an organizer of the course. If you check out her site, be sure to click the link “fotodgb” to have a look at her fantastic photo diary, and don´t miss the little plus-minus sign to the right, where you will find more images with text both in English and Swedish.
During this course all participants made two books, one case bound and one with coptic binding. We also did some marbled papers for end papers, which was incredibly fun!
I don´t think I ever saw such enthusiastic class participants anywhere, ever. Everybody worked constantly from 10 am to 8 pm on Saturday, and then started again around 9 am Sunday morning and worked all day. The whole weekend was all about bookbinding and sketchbooks, and it was so good to share some time with people who are all into inks, pens, paper, sketching and drawing. We even ended our
dinner on Saturday night with a really geeky Noodler´s ink session, trying out all kinds of drawing tools and ink colours on large papers… Wonderful.
The books turned out beautifully, and I think everybody was happy with their books. I also think they all slept very well when they got home…
I want to send out a great THANK YOU to all the participants in the course, you really made my day (well, weekend), and special hugs to Anne and Christina who put in a huge amount of work to organize everything so well.