Opening day


First, in Swedish:
Tack alla som gjorde min vernissage på Norrbyskärs museum till en fantastiskt rolig upplevelse, både ni som kom dit och ni som peppat innan! Det kom mycket folk idag, jag har fått väldigt positiv respons på utställningen, haft många givande och trevliga samtal hela dagen och sålt ett antal målningar. Gick hemåt efter vernissagen som en trött men mycket nöjd och glad människa.

The opening day is over, it has been a great day, a great experience, and I am tired but very pleased with the first day of the exhibition. I have met so many people, had so many interesting conversations, received so much positive feedback and even sold some paintings, I am very happy with the whole day. Thank you all for your support along the way, I am in awe over all the positive comments and emails I get from you!

All the paintings in this exhibition have Norrbyskär as a theme, an island south of Umeå in Northern Sweden, where I spend a lot of time every summer. It´s a place that means a lot to me, and that I often long for in wintertime, and so I decided to let this exhibition be all about this place and this longing. This first painting is called Vänta – Wait. The building is the waiting room/shed down by the ferry on the island.

Check back tomorrow for another painting! Meanwhile, a few images from the exhibition space at Norrbyskär´s Museum. I was too busy to take photos during the day, but these will perhaps give you an idea of how the exhibition looks (and a tiny sneak preview of the paintings…):




Painting: approx. 20 x 20 cm, watercolours on Fabriano Artistico 300 g rough grain watercolour paper.

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