I have spent the past two days in a role I am not quite used to – in front of two film cameras and a boom mike.
I have been working with an incredibly professional and inspirational group of people, filming material for Sketchbook Skool. It has been two days of constant concentration, big time learning, and lots of fun. Now I´m looking forward to joining the fakulty of SBS, and to meeting new students and creatives online!

Koosje Koene from Sketchbook Skool has been guiding me through the experience, and she was absolutely fabulous at keeping everything on track. I have seldom worked with someone so completely focused on the task at hand, while still leaving so much room for laughter, great conversations and afterthought. Thanks a lot, Koosje, it´s been a great two days!
Would also like to thank the film crew, Peter Östlund and Gabrielle Wikhede for their expertise and complete calm in this project. It´s been fabulous to work with you guys!
Also, big thanks to the good people at Tellusbion, who kindly let us use their café for indoors scenes.