The Brown book

I finally added another sketchbook to the sketchbook page – the Brown book, covering the period from September 2006 to April 2007. Hope you enjoy flipping through it!

Rome V

This is the last post of the Rome series, some drawings from a classical concert we went to at Parco della Musica on our last evening in Rome,…

Rome IV

Sometimes the internet is fantastic, because it lets you connect with people you never would have met otherwise. In Rome, I had the opportunity to meet up with…

Rome III

Rome offers an enormous amount of nice spots to draw, and no matter where you go you´ll find something inspiring. It would be perfectly possible to draw something…

Rome II

Another drawing from Rome. Top left is not my work, it´s a ticket to the old Fori Imperiali (don´t know if that´s grammatically correct, but you know the…

Rome I

We went to Rome for a week to get a taste of spring. End of February is when you start craving spring in Stockholm, so Rome seemed like…


There is a lot of snow in Stockholm right now. A lot. Some say more than it´s been in the last thirty years. The day before yesterday the…