How to slowly win a bet
Someone, I won´t mention the full name, but it begins with an M, made a bet with me some time back. “If this orchid ever blooms again, I…
Someone, I won´t mention the full name, but it begins with an M, made a bet with me some time back. “If this orchid ever blooms again, I…
It´s the last Sunday of the month today, which usually means that the little group of sketch enthusiasts in Stockholm meet up for some drawing together. This time…
On the 1st of January, I started a new year-long project – to sketch from imagination every day. I feel like I haven´t used my imagination for years…
The Stockholm sketching group met last Sunday to sketch the view from a cozy rooftop bar at Södermalm. Only the bar was closed, so we ended up outdoors…
Had the opportunity to go sketching for about two hours in London yesterday, wrapping up a work trip to this fabulous city. London, January and a cold wind…
We went to Nice over the New Year, a short trip to get some light and see some new sights. I have never been to Nice before, it…
The Christmas celebrations are over, had a great time with relatives in Värmland in the Western part of Sweden. I managed to get myself out of the sofa…
Today was a smashing winter´s day in Stockholm, with bright sunshine and just below 0°C. No snow yet, but we´ll get there. Four of the Stockholm sketchers gathered…
Last Friday my exhibition Stadssamlaren (The City Collector) opened at Spårvägsmuséet in Stockholm. All in all 96 of my sketchbook drawings from Stockholm are on show, along with…
Välkommen till min utställning Stadssamlaren på Spårvägsmuséet på Söder i Stockholm! Vernissage fredag 5 december klockan 15.00! Ta buss 2 från Slussen mot Sofia, hoppa av vid hållplats…