Brazil, part 2 – Rio de Janeiro
(Click the images for larger view.) During the few days I spent in Rio de Janeiro, I had the opportunity to see so many incredibly beautiful views together…
(Click the images for larger view.) During the few days I spent in Rio de Janeiro, I had the opportunity to see so many incredibly beautiful views together…
It feels a bit unreal to say, now that I am back home, but the lack of posts here lately is due to the fact that I have…
It is always fun when other sketchers visit Stockholm. A little while back, Inma Serrano from Sevilla was here, and we almost missed each other because I was…
At the Southern end of Norrbyskär, there is a group of fishing huts, dating from the sawmill era. They are huddled up so tightly together, that walking around…
A pure line drawing this time. I didn´t have time to colour it, since I was going to meet people at the ferry, and afterwards I kind of…
A bit more unfinished sketch of “our street” at Norrbyskär. I was playing around with the long shadows across the street, they are so beautiful in the evening.…
On the island where we spend parts of our summers, there are a lot of really old bicycles. They are still in use and cared for, since no…
Another house on the island. Big display windows facing the street are the telltale of the times when the Red Villa used to be the co-op grocery store…
I haven´t posted all the drawings I did during this summer, away from scanners and fast internet connections, so I thought I´d do a little round of these.…
Scroll image below to see more details: I took my bicycle to Tranebergsbron (Traneberg bridge) today and sat down to draw a panoramic of the view from up…