Urban sketchers table manners
It is lovely to eat with other urban sketchers. You know you have found you own “tribe” of people when everyone else too have their sketching gear on…
It is lovely to eat with other urban sketchers. You know you have found you own “tribe” of people when everyone else too have their sketching gear on…
The Urban sketchers symposiums usually start with a grand sketchcrawl during the first day, and a public, even bigger one, on the last day. The Chicago symposium was…
Finally an update here! I know. Sometimes the blog gets unvoluntary pauses, due to work, lazyness with scanning and the very ease of using Instagram (do follow me…
How often do you get to fly backwards, at the front of the plane, facing everybody else? It never happened to me before, for sure, and it is…
Summer holidays, folks, that´s what it is, this lack of posts. Traveling, visiting, having guests, reading, hanging out, drawing, doing things. 🙂 And, as many years before around…
Remember the old fire engine and ambulance that I drew a while back? Turns out if you get the opportunity to draw these fantastic engines and hang out…
We were in Sunne in Värmland last weekend, where I stumbled upon two cable excavators, seemingly rooted in the grass. They looked like old friends, watching the view…
Just nu hänger nĂĄgra av mina akvareller pĂĄ Simons cafĂ© pĂĄ Fullersta gĂĄrd i Huddinge. Mysigt ställe med andra fina utställningar i konsthallen vägg i vägg, och gott…
Well, my weeks start every Monday. But this coming week is special, since it´s my week in the Sketchbook skool kourse “Exploring”. Looking forward to it a lot,…
. I´m one of the teachers in Exploring, an upcoming Sketchbook Skool klass. Yes, that´s ´klass´ with a k, because Sketchbook Skool is no ordinary online art skool.…