
If you stand down by the water, just beside that tiny little house to the left in the last painting I posted (“The first thing you see”), and…

The church

This is kind of a sister painting to Stugu, that I posted yesterday. They are both the same size, and of similar composition – I thought it was…


This painting is a little bigger (see measures below), and has a sister painting, coming up tomorrow on the blog. This is one of the houses on the…

Windows, Stuguskär

Next painting – Fönster, Stuguskär. Norrbyskär is really a group of islands, some of them linked together with road embankments, and Stuguskär is the name of the particular…

Opening day

First, in Swedish:Tack alla som gjorde min vernissage på Norrbyskärs museum till en fantastiskt rolig upplevelse, både ni som kom dit och ni som peppat innan! Det kom…


We´re finally there – my exhibition starts on Saturday. Well, actually, it will be open tomorrow too, don´t know quite how they planned that, a vernissage kind of…