Every day in May no. 18
Some watercolour tubes. Like a pile of candy! 🙂 8 x 12 cm, Lamy Safari, Noodler´s Lexington Grey and Inktense pencils on a small Moleskine Watercolour page.
Some watercolour tubes. Like a pile of candy! 🙂 8 x 12 cm, Lamy Safari, Noodler´s Lexington Grey and Inktense pencils on a small Moleskine Watercolour page.
I think flowers are pretty hard to capture in watercolors, I have to struggle for a while to get it right and the subject is a bit out…
This is partly drawn on our balcony, but the wind was too cold so I went inside to finish it. Which means some of the scenery is a…
A very quick sketch today. Drew it while waiting for a bus near a commuter train station on my way home from work. This guy was waiting on…
I was tagged by Casey, so now I have to tell you seven things about myself that you don´t know. And then I am supposed to find seven…
I dabbled a bit with my Kremer pigment watercolors this evening, they are a bit different to paint with than the ones I usually use (mostly Winsor &…
I went into town (Stockholm) today, and made a few sketches. It got me thinking of how strange it is that I, who enjoy drawing so much, always…
Believe me when I say I stepped out of my comfort zone here… Dolls… I don´t know. I was a bit short on time doing today´s drawing, and…
I have been playing around with some patterns today. This is something that the small Moleskine Watercolor is actually quite useful for. Making patterns like this on a…
Had a little more time today, so I drew part of the view from our kitchen window. This cityscape is quite interesting – the colors in it change…