I have found this fantastic source of crazy laughs, hilarious ideas and serious D.I.Y. instructions online, it´s called Instructables. If you haven´t seen it yet, go there and explore!
I love digital cameras for their versatility and ease of use, but I am all for really lo-fi photography too, because there is a certain magic about it. I build pinhole cameras every now and then and it never seizes to amaze me that you can capture an image of the world through a hole less than half a millimeter wide.
This page on Instructables combines digital with cheap lo-fi, now how can I resist something like that? I wish I had the name of the guy/gal who wrote the instruction so I could give some proper credits here, but whoever you are: Thanks for the idea! I´ve been playing with this for a whole day now, it is so simple and so cool! It´s even drawable!
8 x 12 cm, Lamy Safari and Noodler´s Black ink on a small Moleskine Watercolor page.