Every day in May no. 28
Don´t you just hate it when you have to clean your fountain pen? I dropped my newest Lamy Safari on the floor at work today, and the ink…
Don´t you just hate it when you have to clean your fountain pen? I dropped my newest Lamy Safari on the floor at work today, and the ink…
A single tree study is all I did today. I think it turned out quite ok. It´s been a fantastic summer´s day today, hot and sunny, and I…
Just a little experiment with Kremer watercolours. Tried a light wash (raw sienna and irgazine red) over the whole page except the flowers, and then a dark wash…
Some houses in tha ‘hood. 8 x 12 cm, Lamy Safari, Noodler´s Lexington Grey and watercolours (not Kremer´s this time) on a small Moleskine Watercolor page.
Some more Kremer testing today (see previous post). Out of lack of fantasy I just chose to draw what was in front of me – my left hand.…
Got a package from Kremer pigmente in Germany today. I have their watercolour box, which is pre-packed with 14 different yummy colours. However, I´ve never managed to get…
I have found this fantastic source of crazy laughs, hilarious ideas and serious D.I.Y. instructions online, it´s called Instructables. If you haven´t seen it yet, go there and…
I went into town to run an errand after work today, and while there I managed to sit down for a few minutes and do today´s drawing. I…
I had a bit more time to draw today, and took a stroll through the center of Stockholm and jotted down a few lines here and there. Sunday…
This flower is slowly beginning to wither on our kitchen table. It has been standing there shining like a star for a week, and now it is the…